Photographing America’s National Parks on CreativeLive

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I recently gave an exclusive 3-day workshop on CreativeLive that takes you inside every tip, trick, thought and exasperated moment of photographing in the outdoors and the struggle to make a business of it. The topic, “Photographing America’s National Parks”, is something I dedicated my whole life to.

If you did not have the opportunity to check-in during the live broadcast you can purchase on-demand access to the 38 video classes as well as all the bonus material. – Click here to get to CreativeLive for more information and a FREE 30 minutes preview video!

It’s worth noting that I don’t intent to do more workshops in the future, so if you are interested in an Ian Shive workshop, this is your chance!

Additionally, I took the first class a step further sharing my knowledge of how to generate money out of your passion in Business of Outdoor Photography.


Wild Exposure Episode 4 Launches

Ian Shive Photography in association with Wild Collective has released the final installment of the four part series chronicling the “making of” photographer Ian’s new book, The National Parks: Our American Landscape. In this episode, Shive reflects on one of his favorite national parks, The Channel Islands. Wild Collective shot the footage, sound and photos on location.

IMPACT Photo Exhibition Launches

Welcome to the new IMPACT online exhibition, a project exploring the internet as a venue for insightful photographic work. In an effort to remind viewers of the important role photographers play around the world, an array of imagemakers were invited to share galleries on their blogs (like this one) that comprise 12 images representing an experience when they had an impact on or were impacted. By clicking on the links below the IMPACT logo, you can move through the exhibition, viewing other galleries by different photographers. You can also click the IMPACT logo to be taken to a post on the liveBooks RESOLVE Blog where you can see an index of all participating photographers. We hope that by linking different photographic visions of our first topic, “Outside Looking In,” we can provide a multifaceted view of the topic as well as the IMPACT individuals can have on the world around us.

Ian Shive Photography
Looking back on 2009, it is an obvious fact that my life was consumed with the release of my first book on the American National Parks. I introduced hundreds of new images of our parks through this book and I hoped for two things; that I wasn’t laughed out of the book stores and if I made past that hurdle, that I would have an impact on the way American’s perceive our wild lands. I didn’t just focus on the expected locations such as Old Faithful or  the Grand Canyon, but many of the often overlooked places and details that truly round out the exceptional beauty our parks have become. However I learned that hoping for an impact and actually experiencing one is something a young photographer could not anticipate. As the book reached shelves around the country, emails began to come in via my website. Strangers wrote to me, some were young students, others were avid park visitors, while others were random strangers who happened upon the volume while enjoying a coffee in a book store. Amazingly those people reached out to me sharing their own experiences and their thoughts of a renewed sense of inspiration and hope for the future of our beloved places. While those were undoubtedly a pleasant surprise, what I could never have anticipated was an invite to speak in Washington D.C. at the United States Capitol. On a rainy November night, I found myself before members of Congress and the Director of the National Parks as well as many other leaders, sharing my photos and hopefully, having an impact on their ideas of American wilderness. While this chapter is behind me, I’ve since continued my journey through our parks as well as discovering national parks in other countries who have followed our example. Below are a few images from the book and my continued journey.

Help make a difference for our parks, join the National Parks Conservation Association today and begin receiving National Parks magazine.

Wilderness Diplomacy

Can America’s wilderness be a stepping stone to other key diplomatic solutions around the world? This is the question I asked myself when I was recently presented with some images of my new book, The National Parks: Our American Landscape, as it was presented to college students in the United Arab Emirates. Their response was stunning as they turned  page after page awe struck at the beauty held within the borders of the United States. To my surprise, many had no idea of our national parks or of the great geography of wilderness that connects our country together.  They now saw the USA with new eyes and perhaps, signifying the beginning of a unique approach to how we could find common ground with different cultures by sharing these wonders with them and learning about their own. Could the wild lands be a common ground we all share and admire? Could this common ground open a dialogue with people to find ways to work together in an effort to find peace? I believe so and look forward to working as an environmental diplomat, bridging the chasm between all of our worlds.

Can’t find The National Parks? Look no further!

In a stroke of good fortune (in the most bitter sweet of ways) my book has become a hot commodity with most retailers running out, includig Amazon who ran out after a huge burst of sales during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. No fear for those Amazon customers – my publisher assures your books will be delivered before Christmas. However I’ve received emails from Canada to Kansas asking where they can get the book because it’s sold out everywhere. Well look no further! Barnes & Noble has the book if you purchase it online for 41% off for members! So click below to place your order today.


Ian Shive featured in Outdoor Photographer

The December 2009 issue of Outdoor Photographer profiles and catches up with Ian Shive on his new book, The National Parks: Our American Landscape. Editor and writer Kim Castleberry digs into the details of the process of making the book as well as Ian’s involvement with photography groups such as the International League of Conservation Photographers.

Click here to read the feature

Ian Shive to speak at the United States Capitol

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and Max Baucus are hosting an evening of stunning images of our national parks by photographer Ian Shive on Thursday, November 19th in the U.S. Capitol. Shive will share his stories of traversing the National Park System from the grizzlies of Yellowstone to the coral reefs of Biscayne, accompanied by his photographs and a new short multimedia film focusing on the challenges America’s most beloved landscapes face.

Ian is honored to share his passion for the parks with our countries leaders. For more information, contact


Ian Shive on the Dennis Miller Show

Ian Shive spoke to the always awesome Dennis Miller on radio stations across the country this morning about his new book, The National Parks: Our American Landscape. They discussed everything from the cover shot of the Grand Tetons to people popping viagra into Old Faithful.

Click here to listen to the interview
