Photographing America’s National Parks on CreativeLive

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I recently gave an exclusive 3-day workshop on CreativeLive that takes you inside every tip, trick, thought and exasperated moment of photographing in the outdoors and the struggle to make a business of it. The topic, “Photographing America’s National Parks”, is something I dedicated my whole life to.

If you did not have the opportunity to check-in during the live broadcast you can purchase on-demand access to the 38 video classes as well as all the bonus material. – Click here to get to CreativeLive for more information and a FREE 30 minutes preview video!

It’s worth noting that I don’t intent to do more workshops in the future, so if you are interested in an Ian Shive workshop, this is your chance!

Additionally, I took the first class a step further sharing my knowledge of how to generate money out of your passion in Business of Outdoor Photography.
