Former Supreme Court Justice reads National Parks magazine

A colleague passed along the below photo which was exciting to me for a few reasons; not the least of which is that former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor is reading the current issue of National Parks magazine that features my photo on the cover and a story inside on Glacier National Park, Montana. Not only is it great that someone of this caliber is looking at this magazine, but that O’Connor herself is a pioneer of law and politics as the first female justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The photo was snapped during a recent meeting of the Second Century Commission which was formed to take a closer look at the future of our parks. 

Photo by Alan Spears/NPCA

The Home Office

Tonight, for the first time, I was able to see (and hold!) a printed version of what will be my first coffee table book. I can’t give too many specifics at this time, but it’s a book of the American National Parks that will be out in Autumn 2009. Needless to say, it’s incredibly exciting and a fun night in the home office.
