Ian Shive’s photos on hit TV show One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill (OTH), in its sixth season on the CW Network, will feature several images from nature-conservation photographer Ian Shive. Shive’s eco-oriented photographs that typically appear throughout prestigious outdoor publications aimed at an older audience, will receive exposure in front of an entire new generation of viewers.  Three of Shive’s photos will appear on the sets of Nathan (James Lafferty) and Hayley’s (Bethany Joy Galeotti) home on the show throughout upcoming episodes of season six.

The photographs entitled, Lake Sebago, Maine; Oak Tree in Mist, California; and Moosehead Lake, Maine; are all images taken by Shive during this past year. He hopes that his images, through association with the show, will help drive further awareness of the environment simultaneously underscoring the message of the need to value our wild places to this younger audience.

Beginning in October Shive will make available the images appearing on the show in a limited edition series of lithographs through his website, WaterandSky.com. Only 200 lithographs of each of the three images will be issued, with each one hand signed by Ian Shive.


To purchase an 11×17 limited edition lithograph through PayPal, click HERE