Ian Shive: Cinematography Demo Reel

For the last two years, leading conservation photographer Ian Shive has traveled the planet photographing some of the world’s wildest places . Now for the first time ever he is sharing a secret – broadcast quality HD footage that was shot on location at the same time as the photos. In just a few minutes, you’ll experience some of our planets most stunning landscapes in a dream-like montage including Palau, Micronesia, underwater worlds of Cuba, Yosemite National Park, California, the Cayman Islands, Glacier National Park, Montana, Channel Islands National Park, California, Valdivia Coastal Reserve, Chile, the lower Himalayan Mountains, India, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, the Taj Mahal, India, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, Salt Lake, Utah, Antelope Valley, California, The Island of Hawaii, Maui, Hawaii, Rishikesh and the Ganges River, India, and Vrindivan, India among others.

[vimeo 57244431]

Produced by Tandem Stills + Motion, Inc. Edited by Ian Maliniak. Music by M83.

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